East-West Church & Ministry Report
Vol. 1, No. 2, Spring 1993, Covering the Former Soviet Union and East Central Europe


Announcing: From the Coup to the Commonwealth, An Inside Look at Life in Contemporary Russia by Daniel B. Clendenin, currently a visiting professor of Christian studies at Moscow State University. $10.99.  Chapters on economics, politics, and Christianity offer insightful observations on what never changes in Russia, and what, at present, changes almost daily.  Clendenin presently is completing a book on Orthodoxy from an Evangelical Christian perspective.  The International Institute for Christian Studies (Box 12147, Overland Park, KS 66282-2147) will forward mail to the author.  To order From the Coup to the Commonwealth contact:

Papers from the most recent annual convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, November 1992, include:  "Muslims and Communists Vie for Power in Tajikistan," Iraj Bashiri; and "The Russian Orthodox Church in the Post-Communist CIS," Dimitri Pospielovsky.  Available for $4 each.  Write:

An October 1992 report, "Afghanistan and Post-Soviet Central Asia:  Prospects for Political Evolution and the Role of Islam," includes the following observations:

Friends of Turkey (Box 3098, Grand Junction, CO 81502; tel:  (303) 434-1942; fax:  (303) 434-1461) will provide interested Christian workers with complimentary video copies of Campus Crusade's "Jesus Film" in Turkish, Azerbaijani, Bashkir, Chiwash, Kazakh, Kirghiz, Tatar, Turkmen, and Uzbek.  Request either PAL-VHS (Europe) or NTSC-VHS (North America).

"Faith Under Fire" is a well-crafted video production designed to help teachers and students understand the life of the Roman Catholic Church in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Lithuania, and Hungary.  The bound library edition includes a videocassette, a 32-page instructional guide, resource documents, and a transcript of the video text.  Copies are available for $29.95 plus $4 postage and handling.

Valuable "Meeting Reports" and "Occasional Papers" are available at no cost from:

Sample titles from the past year include:  "Reporting on Religion in Russia," by Dimitrii Radyshevskii, reporter, Moscow News; and "Independent Research Centers in the Humanities and Social Sciences in the Former USSR (in Russian)," by Aleksei Titkov, director, The Epokha Center for Humanities Research, Moscow.  Simply write the Kennan Institute to be added to the mailing list.

The Institute of Evangelism at Wheaton College's Billy Graham Center has underwritten a Russian translation of its "Evangelistic Preaching" study course.  The 181-page workbook and 90-minute cassette tape are available for $2.00 from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, but only through the Moscow office:

The Russian cassette includes sample evangelistic sermons by Russian-Canadian evangelist Viktor Hamm and Russian-American evangelist Earl Poysti.  The English version of "Evangelistic Preaching," including 50 sample audiotape sermons by 38 representative preachers, is available for $49.95 from: The Institute of Evangelism will complete the Russian translation of a second study course on "Follow-Up and Disciplemaking" by April 1993.  Contact:

"If you leave it in a car, don't expect to see it again.  Car thieves are so fast that they can enter a car, remove a radio and disappear in 30 seconds." So reads one of many warnings highlighted in Host & Home's "Theft Guard:  The Ten Top Theft Techniques and How to Avoid Them," available for $3 and a self-addressed, stamped envelope.  Among this travel agency's other useful publications:  "The Art of Being a Guest in the (Former) Soviet Union" (34pp), $5.00, postage included; "Train Life:  Idiosyncracies of Russian Train Travel," $3.00 and self-addressed, stamped envelope; and the Host & Home Newsletter-$5.00 per year, quarterly (current events and travel tips).  Contact:

Resources, East-West Church & Ministry Report, 1 (Spring 1993), 13-14.

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© 1993 East-West Church and Ministry Report
ISSN 1069-5664

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