East-West Church & Ministry Report
Vol. 9, No. 1, Winter 2001, Covering the Former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern Europe


Mirga, Andrzej. Roma and the Law: Demythologizing the Gypsy Criminality Stereotype. Princeton, NJ: Project on Ethnic Relations, 2000. This is the eleventh report on European Roma (Gypsies) published by the Project on Ethnic Relations (PER) since 1992. For a gratis copy contact PER, 15 Chambers St., Princeton, NJ 08542-3707; tel: 609-683-5666; fax: 609-683-5888; E-mail: ethnic@compuserve.com; Web site: http://www.netcom.com/~ethnic/per.html.

Cynthia R. Nielsen completed an M.A. thesis in 1999 in missions entitled "A Look to the East: An Examination of Eastern Orthodoxy in Light of Essential Biblical Doctrine" at Tyndale Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, TX. To obtain a copy, contact the author at Kristinichka@aol.com.

"Developing Rural Life and Church Planting," a pilot project proposal to help those planning to minister in rural areas of the former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern Europe, is available at no charge. To obtain a copy, contact Ardo Parna at ardo.parna@mail.ee.

The first issue of the Journal of European Baptist Studies(September 2000) includes articles on "Hungarian Baptist Beginnings" by Rev. Istvan Gergely and "East and West: A Theological Conversation" by Dr. Parush R. Parushev. Annual subscriptions for three issues per year are $10 in Europe and $15 in the U.S. The Journal is published by the International Baptist Theological Seminary, Nad Habrovkou 3, Jenerálka CZ-164 00 Prague 6, Czech Republic; tel: 420-2-35-35-39-51; fax: 420-2-35-35-39-57; E-mail: denise@ibts.cz. To submit articles contact Dr. Ian M. Randall, IBTS academic dean, at randall@ibts.cz. Visa and MasterCard accepted.

"Resources," East-West Church & Ministry Report 9 (Winter 2001), 14.

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© 2001 East-West Church and Ministry Report
ISSN 1069-5664

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